Hi, welcome and thanks for visiting tasosmaz.com. I do hope that the information you find on this site is helpful. My name is Tasos Maz and I was born in Greece in 1974.
I attended technical high school, got an electrical certificate from there. I was fascinating by Automatics and Robotics that time so went to a college for 2-3 years but without managed to get a degree.
After working some occasional jobs decided to go to a nursing school. Got a nursing degree and worked for years as a nurse for a Health Clinic in Thessaloniki.
I've been online around since late 2005 and as a side hassle building niche websites and eCommerce websites for local businesses and running websites for online business owners as a website manager.
Also I am passionate about writing reviews on different areas in life such as health, money, travel, beauty and more and creating a lot of blogs.
In 2010 I launched my own Membership site MyResellRightsProducts.com which offers high quality PLR products and started making a consistent online income.
In October 2018 I decided to get an Internet Marketing Coach in order to fulfill my goals and dreams on creating a serious and sustainable online income.
That was a great move to the right direction. Also being more active on social media and mainly on FaceBook making a lot of connections.
I was looking for a way to share my knowledge...
That's how this blog has created to help readers like you to create reviews you can trust and help as many people as possible to give them the right decisions in health, wealth, travel and more.